Mark Knight este unul dintre cei mai tari producatori si dj din lume. Este preferatul meu in materie de muzica electronica. In noimebrie 2006 lansa la propriul label „Toolroom” single-ul Susan. Piesa a facut ravagii atunci, a fost difuzata la Radio DEEA si a fost inclusa in foarte multe topuri de pe intreg mapamondul.
Un an mai tarziu in noiembrie 2007, piesa a fost reconditionata, adaugandu-i-se un vocal din partea lui Stephen Pickup. Abia la sfarsitul lui iunie 2008 piesa a beneficiat de o relansare la ToolRoom Records in mai multe variante, printre care Dark Dog, John Dahlback si inclusiv radio edit! Am inclus-o si in topul meu personal si sper sa se difuzeze si la Vibe FM in curand! Mark Knight Feat. Stephen Pickup – Susan (John Dahlback Remix), auditie placuta!
Vocalul este absolut incredibil iar versurile deasemenea:
I can’t go back
And I can’t move on
I’m lost in a world
Where you belongAnd I’m crying now
And I’m reaching out
I want to hold you
Make everything right.Susan, where have you gone?
I don’t know what went wrong
But I want you to know
That you’re still in my head
After all that’s been said
I want you, come home (2x)Memories
How they get to me
Time can erase
What you mean to meAnd I’m crying now
And I’m reaching out
I want to hold you
Make everything right[chorus]
Susan, come home
Susan, come homeOoh, there’s so much
That we’ve been through
I’m still waiting here for you
For you[chorus] (3x)
suuppeerrr piesaaaa:X:X:X in orice varianta:D
melodia de cacat si versu de asemenea
Susan, where have you gone?