Mark Knight Feat. Stephen Pickup – Susan (John Dahlback Remix)

Mark Knight este unul dintre cei mai tari producatori si dj din lume. Este preferatul meu in materie de muzica electronica. In noimebrie 2006 lansa la propriul label „Toolroom” single-ul Susan. Piesa a facut ravagii atunci, a fost difuzata la Radio DEEA si a fost inclusa in foarte multe topuri de pe intreg mapamondul.

Un an mai tarziu in noiembrie 2007, piesa a fost reconditionata, adaugandu-i-se un vocal din partea lui Stephen Pickup. Abia la sfarsitul lui iunie 2008 piesa a beneficiat de o relansare la ToolRoom Records in mai multe variante, printre care Dark Dog, John Dahlback si inclusiv radio edit! Am inclus-o si in topul meu personal si sper sa se difuzeze si la Vibe FM in curand! Mark Knight Feat. Stephen Pickup – Susan (John Dahlback Remix), auditie placuta!

Vocalul este absolut incredibil iar versurile deasemenea:

I can’t go back
And I can’t move on
I’m lost in a world
Where you belong

And I’m crying now
And I’m reaching out
I want to hold you
Make everything right.

Susan, where have you gone?
I don’t know what went wrong
But I want you to know
That you’re still in my head
After all that’s been said
I want you, come home (2x)

How they get to me
Time can erase
What you mean to me

And I’m crying now
And I’m reaching out
I want to hold you
Make everything right


Susan, come home
Susan, come home

Ooh, there’s so much
That we’ve been through
I’m still waiting here for you
For you

[chorus] (3x)

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